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CoHS Student Resources : Library

College of Health Sciences Student Resources


What is New!

DeVry Writing Center

Writer's Room Hangouts are live several nights each week starting Week 3 of March session!

Go to the LIVE Events page for the Hangout schedule and the link to join the fun!
While you're there, check out the many other workshop opportunities.

CoHS Student Resources

College of Health Sciences Student Resources 

Listen to the DeVry University Librarians discuss the latest news in the information world. 

Check out the latest podcast:

The Resource: ALA Conference Review

Ask A Librarian


Knowledge Base - Search commonly asked questions by topic, keyword, or course number

Telephone a librarian at 800-293-3044


Are you a new student or a student that wants to learn more about the library?

Join DeVry University Librarian, Heather Burke, who will be hosting a New Student Library Orientation on Wednesday, March 12 at 6:00 pm central time.  She will provide students with an overview of the library resources. 

Click here to join the Orientation


Did you miss the Date with a Database about RefWorks?

Here is a link to the recording!   Contact the librarians if you have any questions.


RefWorks is a comprehensive reference management service for preparing bibliographies in APA and other citation styles. Use RefWorks to import and create citations, build lists of references, and integrate citations into your papers.


Need a Tutor? On-demand tutoring via is available in your Canvas course shell, under the Tutoring tab. Or go to to set up an appointment with a faculty tutor.


Our Ebsco databases now have a new search interface designed to make searching and finding useful results easier and faster. If you have questions or need help navigating the new search options, please Ask a Librarian.


We are pleased to share examples of some our students' best research activities on the new Student Scholarly Work LibGuide


Check out our latest addition to the library's e-resources: Boundless, a collection of e-books and audio books in a wide range of topics and genres!


ChatGPT LibGuide for Students

Visit the AI/ChatGPT LibGuide created for students to learn more about ChatGPT, DeVry’s stance on AI/ChatGPT, and articles on AI/ChatGPT.

Library Resources

Have you missed a library presentation? You can find the links to the library’s presentations on our Workshops & Tutorials LibGuide.

See what your DeVry/Keller faculty have published on the Faculty Publications LibGuide!

Library Services

Have questions? You can contact a librarian via text message at 630-448-4633 or visit the Ask-a-Librarian page for more options.



Suggestion Box

What students are saying about the DeVry Library...

I love the DeVry Library, taking the work out of verifying websites and information.  With as much information as is available on the internet, it makes it easier to complete research for assignment when I have access to the DeVry Library resource.

I can't think of a way to make it any better. I used the "Ask a librarian" feature and OMG!!!! The level of knowledge she had....Saved me hours. So helpful! You all at DeVry get it! Thank you!!!!

SO thankful for the DeVry Library!! I plan to utilize these resources much more in the future!

This is something that would be beneficial to ALL students whether they are just starting out, in the middle of obtaining their degree(s), or at the end of their journey (like me).  This would have helped me with so many classes over the last almost 4 years.

I don't think there's much more they could do to help me to succeed in my courses. They are readily available to help and I appreciate that, plus the research available is a large selection.

Services and sources at DeVry University are excellent and super useful.


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