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DeVry University Library: Ask A Librarian

Ask A Librarian


You can also call us at 800-293-3044 during the times listed below or regular business hours. If a librarian is not immediately available, please leave us a message, and we'll get back to you no later than the next business day.


Our team of librarians is available to help you access library resources, search for information, and provide direction for your research questions. We offer a variety of connection options, including text messaging at 630-448-4633.

Ask A Librarian

Live Chat
You can chat live with a DeVry University Librarian via our online Ask-a-Librarian service. This is an interactive Q and A chat. You can receive a transcript at the end of the chat session.

Call a Librarian

You can also call us at 800-293-3044 during the times listed below or regular business hours. If a librarian is not immediately available, please leave us a message, and we'll get back to you no later than the next business day.

Eastern Time      Central Time      Mountain Time      Pacific Time
Mon-Thu  1pm-11pm   Mon-Thu  12pm-10pm   Mon-Thu  11am-9pm   Mon-Thu  10am-8pm
Fri  1pm-8pm   Fri 12pm-7pm   Fri  11am-6pm   Fri  10am-5pm
Sat  2pm-6pm   Sat  1pm-5pm   Sat 12pm-4pm   Sat 11am-3pm
Sun  4pm-8pm   Sun 3pm-7pm   Sun 2pm-6pm   Sun 1pm-5pm

Email questions are answered during the hours of the Ask-a-Librarian chat service.

Joe Louderback                                                        Heather Burke                                                  Herman                                        Jason Rossi



For more in-depth research assistance, consider scheduling an Individual Research Online Consultation. You, or you and your team, can meet online with a librarian for research advice. The librarian can orient you to the virtual library, explain advanced searching, and direct you to appropriate resources.

IROC sessions will generally not last more than one hour.

Please make your request at least two business days in advance. Your appointment will be confirmed by a Librarian. If you do not hear from a Librarian in 3 business days, contact Patti Meyer (, 630-706-3172).

The DeVry Virtual Library is not able to guarantee patron privacy while using a 3rd party-service.

Knowledge Base (FAQ's)
If Ask-a-Librarian is not available, try out the Knowledge Base. The Ask-a-Librarian Knowledge Base is a collection of prepared research assistance directions created in anticipation of your questions. Use a keyword search term, for example: password, SOCS350, scholarly…

Our Service Pledge
It is my pleasure to assist you and in doing so I promise to be respectful, timely, and accurate. I promise to help you develop the research skills you need to achieve your career goals. It is important to me that I provide you with consistent customer care. I promise to actively listen and question to clarify your need for information. I promise to communicate clearly with you and to follow up on inquires that require further attention. I will work continually to improve my research skills to align with our university programs.

Ask A Librarian Chat