For January 2022 term’s seminar, Professor Penn Wu and Dean Moe Saouli will be presenting thoughts, ideas, concepts and research on, Being Human with Artificial Consciousness. This is a new arena of scholarly thought and research in the field of developmental engineering.
Here is a description of the seminar:
“From the Fourth Industrial Revolution, (Industry 4.0) to the increased interconnectivity and smart automation to the integration of Artificial Intelligence and advanced robotics, the line between the physical and the digital world is so faint, it is almost nonexistent, making the rise of a post-fictional era the new reality. Today, it appears that we are “heading” towards creating an artificial soul, to a point some may consider replacing the human soul with a more advanced and superior artificial one! Is this real? Is that possible? ... If so, who is/are the newly appointed god(s)? Who is and should be the regulating body for such an emerging world and to what extent the current ethical standards of our humanity can withstand such alterations?”