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DeVry Writing Center: Ethical Communication

In the workplace, all organizations and industries communicate in line with their unique combination of values, mission, and codes of conduct. While each may have a slightly different approach, they tend to agree with certain core principles of ethical communication that allow them to function internally and with external partners, clients, and governing bodies. 

Students, too, must adhere to shared principles of ethical communication. This applies to interactions with peers, professors and staff. The principles apply to all learning activities, assessments, and professional preparation. 

Explore the many resources on this page as you develop your effective, ethical communication skills.

Also see the resources for ethical research and writing and many APA resources on the Developing Arguments page. 

The DeVry Writing Center (DWC) provides writing and communication resources to support students, faculty, colleagues and alumni. It is open to the public, though some resources have restricted access. Resource sharing and adaptation are permitted in line with the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 deed. The DWC is a collaborative effort by the DeVry University's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Library, with the support of other departments from Admissions to Alumni Relations. 

See our Goals and Development Plans here.

Share new resources, feedback, or suggestions with the Writing Center Coordinator.
Michael Dufresne, Professor, CoLAS National Faculty -


Quick Links & Contacts

  • Research, citations, integrity and more: The Ask A Librarian page offers live chat, phone, and email support
  • Tutoring: You have multiple options for tutoring support!
  • Advising & Career Services: Access support via your student portal
  • IT Help Desk: 877-306-4283
  • DWC: Share new resources, feedback, or suggestions with the Writing Center Coordinator.
    Michael Dufresne, Professor, CoLAS National Faculty -