This section supports developing fundamental writing skills. Whether you consider yourself a strong writer or not, these resources can help you improve!
Information on adjusting to college-level communication will be added soon!
As one of the most difficult activities humans face, writing isn't truly easy for anyone. Additionally, English is one of the most complex languages. If English is not your first language, or if you experience learning disabilities, these resources may support your success.
Are you distractable, experiencing ADHD, or do you just learn better with others around? Body doubling may help! We'll soon offer a space to work in proximity with others. See details on the Writer's Room Hangouts on the DWC LIVE Events page.
Grammar involves making meaning out of words, phrases, and clauses. Building sentences with a strong structure leads to easy reading.
Check out Grammar Bytes for fun, interactive rules, videos, exercises and more!
Understanding new words is the first step toward being able to use them. Learn strategies for expanding your vocabulary here.
Punctuation guides readers as they look for meaning in your words and phrases. Like road signs, punctuation tells readers when an idea comes to a stop (period = full stop), when ideas shift (commas are like yellow caution signs), or when two ideas connect (commas, semicolons and colons can work like like merge signs). Learning to punctuate properly makes reading easy and improves your professionalism.
While it's possible you'll never use APA after your college program, it is the standard accepted at DeVry for student work. The goal at DeVry is not to master APA as a life skill. Rather, it is to practice academic and professional skills regarding consistency, neatness, credibility, and integrity that you can apply anywhere. Your employer may have their own required writing and documentation style and format requirements. Adapt to the needs of your environment!
Here is a template suited for any APA essay or assigment expecting APA style. Resources for using and citing sources are provided on the Developing and Supporting Arguments page.
Mechanics refers to the technical rules of writing. As with usage, the rules of mechanics can seem arbitrary, and they can change over time. Following current standard expectations for the community with which you are communicating adds polish and professionalism to your writing. Mechanics includes rules for:
Word choice
Resources for each will be added soon!
You can memorize every rule of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, but guess what? Those rules may change!
"Proper" usage is defined by what people in a certain time or place decide is correct.
Language is a living thing that constantly evolves. People make up new words every day, and if they become widely used, they are accepted and entered into the dictionaries. As people start to use language differently and that new usage spreads, experts adjust the rules to reflect the new normal.
The DeVry Writing Center (DWC) provides writing and communication resources to support students, faculty, colleagues and alumni. It is open to the public, though some resources have restricted access. Resource sharing and adaptation are permitted in line with the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 deed. The DWC is a collaborative effort by the DeVry University's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Library, with the support of other departments from Admissions to Alumni Relations.
Share new resources, feedback, or suggestions with the Writing Center Coordinator.
Michael Dufresne, Professor, CoLAS National Faculty -
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