Need help finding something? Need explanation? Want more examples? How about a one-on-one meeting? We're here for you!
Ask A Writing Center Expert connects you with a DWC expert who can assist with questions about any part of the Writing Center and with any career or coursework communication need. Submit your question with the form below, and a WCE will get back to you promptly.
Ask A Librarian connects you with DeVry's librarians. They can assist with any library, research or writing need. When librarians are not available, the library's AI assistant Ask Herman is on duty to help with many library and research-related questions.
[COMING SOON!] To access DeVry's AI Personal Assistant, click the Chat button at the bottom right of the screen. It can find answers about the Writing Center, any LibGuide, and any database. If you click on Chat in your Canvas course, the assistant will can answer questions about your course.
Additional tutoring options include:
The DeVry Writing Center (DWC) provides writing and communication resources to support students, faculty, colleagues and alumni. It is open to the public, though some resources have restricted access. Resource sharing and adaptation are permitted in line with the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 deed. The DWC is a collaborative effort by the DeVry University's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Library, with the support of other departments from Admissions to Alumni Relations.
Share new resources, feedback, or suggestions with the Writing Center Coordinator.
Michael Dufresne, Professor, CoLAS National Faculty -
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