Artificial Intelligence - Faculty

Arizona State University

We encourage academic units and/or faculty to determine whether student use of generative AI/ChatGPT in their courses is permitted or prohibited, and to state this and any parameters in your syllabi, announcements, and assignment instructions.
•  At the very basic level, we recommend faculty ensure their syllabi include the ASU Academic Integrity policy, including copyright and plagiarism verbiage; the use of Generative AI/ChatGPT falls within these policies and processes.
•  Further, we encourage faculty to state in syllabi, assignment instructions, etc., whether the use of AI/ChatGPT is permitted or prohibited (and to check with their unit leadership if needed).
•  Faculty should emphasize that students must cite any borrowed content sources to comply with all applicable citation guidelines and copyright law and avoid plagiarism. Simply put, if students use generative AI, they should cite it: How to Cite ChatGPT in APA format.
•  Students and faculty should also ensure any AI-generated citations are correct, as ChatGPT is notorious for listing nonsensical citations.


Links to Guidance Use of AI at other Universities

The UCLA Student Conduct Code states, “Unless otherwise specified by the faculty member, all submissions, whether in draft or final form, to meet course requirements (including a paper, project, exam, computer program, oral presentation, or other work) must either be the student’s own work, or must clearly acknowledge the source.” Unless an instructor indicates otherwise, the use of ChatGPT or other AI tools for course assignments is akin to receiving assistance from another person and raises the same concern that work is not the student’s own. ... The ultimate decision and responsibility for how to teach about AI and the establishment of or revision of course policies related to its use lies with the instructor.

This advisory provides guidance on how to acceptably use AI Tools safely, without putting institutional, personal, or proprietary information at risk. Additional guidance may be forthcoming as circumstances evolve.


It is important to note that under the current conditions, using ChatGPT to generate essays for submission for lower division writing will be considered a violation of academic integrity (see sample of lower division writing syllabus text below). However, as with any
tool, individual instructors should determine how specific tools are used within their course. Knowing that individual faculty may make different choices within their specific classes, it is critical that we communicate clearly to students what will or will not be considered a violation in
a particular course.

For example, when can tools be used for testing and brainstorming versus work for submission? Also, it is useful to remind students that the usage of tools will be course-specific and dependent on individual course goals.

For your reference, here is the language from the Composition lower division writing course

Academic Integrity for Your Writing Class : The Composition Program and its teachers assume that work submitted by students all process work, drafts, low stakes writing, final versions, and all other submissions will be generated by the students themselves,
working individually or in groups. This means that the following would be considered violations of academic integrity by the Composition Program:
1) If a student has another person/entity do the writing of any substantive portion of an assignment for them, which includes hiring a person or a company to write essays and drafts and/or other assignments, research based or otherwise, and using artificial intelligence affordances like ChatGPT
2) If a student submits the same work for more than one class without consulting with the instructors.