Professional Communication- This course enhances students’ writing and presentation skills for academic applications and professional communication in the workplace.


Greetings!  Your Course Shell provides you with several examples of possible assignments.  This LibGuide will address some of those while introducing resources to assist you with your research. These will fall in four broad categories.

Background Sources
These are resources to help you develop a basic understanding of a topic and perhaps help you locate resources for your Project.  These are typically online encyclopedias and dictionaries which are a useful starting point and helpful for background information.  These resources typically should not appear in your final draft.

Library Databases
There are online reference and periodical resources to which DeVry University subscribes.  You may be familiar with some of these while others may be new to you.

All of the Library's books are eBooks accessible online

Open Access
There are a growing number of online journals which are usually free to the reader.  They are self-archiving and sometimes free of  copyright and licensing restrictions (you still must cite them if you use them).  Their costs are supported by publication fees paid by authors or are externally subsidized.  The quality of open access publications varies considerably.  Some are quite reputable while others are fronts for special interest groups. 

Course Prerequisites

ENGL 112

Terminal Course Objectives

DeVry University course content is constructed from curriculum guides developed for each course that are in alignment with specific Terminal Course Objectives. The Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) define the learning objectives that the student will be required to comprehend and demonstrate by course completion. The TCOs that will be covered in detail each week can be found in the Objectives section for that particular week. Whenever possible, a reference will be made from a particular assignment or discussion back to the TCO that it emphasizes.

1.  Given the principles of communication and public speaking, deliver an informative message that fulfills a defined purpose.

2.  Given a variety of class speaking experiences, reflect on oral communication strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to improve.

3.  Given verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, select and then apply techniques in order to enhance the delivery of oral communication.

4.  Given the concepts of active and critical thinking, apply the use of critical listening in order to analyze a presentation.

5.  Given principles of effective language use and cognitive processing, employ an effective arrangement of oral communication messages to support a communication strategy.

6.  Given a particular discourse community, conduct an audience analysis in order to design communication appropriate for a specified audience, such as academic, professional, social, or community.

7.  Given a method for developing visual elements in communication design, incorporate visual aids into oral communication to support a chosen message.

8.  Given a topic of social, political, or professional significance, analyze the points of view, and then prepare and deliver a persuasive oral message that fulfills a defined purpose, such as persuading the audience to change beliefs, attitudes, values, or behavior.

9.  Given the characteristics of effective and well-functioning teams, apply concepts to resolve problems, demonstrate clear leadership and present in a format that includes multiple presenters.

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