Works prepared by employees in the scope of their employment and are “works made for hire” that are owned by the employer.
The following works can be works made for hire if specially ordered or commissioned for use and if the parties expressly agree in a written instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered a work made for hire:
as a contribution to a collective work,
as a part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work,
as a translation,
as a supplementary work,
as a compilation,
as an instructional text,
as a test,
as answer material for a test, or
as an atlas
If a copyrightable work does not qualify as a work for hire, you will need a written agreement transferring the copyright to DeVry University or granting DeVry University a license to use the copyrightable work. In general, you should not rely on oral permissions or agreements.
Absent a written agreement, an independent contractor owns the copyright in his works.
DeVry University expects to own the copyright in all works created for it by independent contractors. Therefore, it is important that there be an executed written agreement between the DeVry University and any independent contractor in place before creation of the work commences, and it should clearly state that the DeVry University will own the copyright in that work. If you need such an agreement or have questions regarding the use of one, please contact Legal.
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