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Student Honor Societies: Home

The Student Co-Curricular LibGuide is a place to host information on the different honor societies and student clubs at DeVry University.

List of Clubs and Honor Societies

Welcome to the Student Co-Curricular Student Board LibGuide.  This guide will provide you with information on the current DeVry Student Clubs and Honor Societies.  Click on the tabs above to learn more about the clubs and honor societies which will provide information on who to contact and the activities happening in each of these organizations.

Potential Speaker List


Contact Nicole Burch, if you have any questions. 

What's Happening!

Here is a list of what is happening in the Honor Societies and Student Clubs in the upcoming months.


IEEE DeVry University Student Branch and CompTIA Student Club


Creating Smart facilities by using distributed sensors and controls connected via IoT devices and ThingSpeak analytics

 By: Prof. Toshko Tzvetkov

         Date/Time: Thursday, June 13th @ 5:00 pm CST/6:00 pm EST

In this workshop, we will be discussing how to create distributed sensors network, how to use the Thingspeak to collect the data from the sensors and how to send feedback from Thingspeak to controllers and actuators to change spart facilities settings.

To Join:


Previous Presentations

Other Organizations to Check Out!