Leadership and Organizational Behavior- Leadership and Organizational Behavior examines interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics because they affect the achievement of corporate goals.
ABI/INFORM GlobalThis link opens in a new windowCovers business conditions, management techniques, business trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and the competitive business landscape worldwide. In depth coverage to over 3,000 publications, including the Wall Street Journal from 1984 to the present. Also includes profiles for 60,000+ companies and their executives. Search results include ebooks from eBrary
Business Searching InterfaceThis link opens in a new windowA special search tool or finding business information in Ebscohost databases
Business Source UtlimateThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to hundreds of business-related journals, includes Harvard Business Review case studies.
Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowAn eBook collection of 600+ high-quality, constantly updated reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases.
eBooks by EBSCOhostThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to over 20,000 eBooks on a wide variety of topics
Gale Business Insights: EssentialsThis link opens in a new window"Detailed company and industry profiles, thousands of company histories and industry essays, business news, and more."
Military & Government CollectionThis link opens in a new windowAccess to over 300 full-text periodicals with current news about all branches of the military and government.
O'Reilly MediaThis link opens in a new windowBooks, videos, learning paths, and more on a range of subjects from technology and engineering to business and career development.
Professional Development CollectionThis link opens in a new windowAccess to over 500 full-text journals and more than 200 educational reports.
These are a sampling of eBooks available from the library.
Team Leadership by Drikus KriekIf you're a team leader asking the question: How do I make my team better?, then Team Leadership is the book that provides the answers. Team Leadership will assist team leaders and members to become more effective by helping them to understand teams better. This book brings together theories and research on team development, team functioning, managing teams, team growth and more It also describes tools and techniques that can be used to raise the performance levels of teams and help them to function optimally. Team Leadership is different from the many other books offering tools for teams, in that: It gives insight into team behaviour from an academic point of view and especially what current science tells us what works well to improve teams. It links to practice in its aim to be practical and helpful in daily organisational life. It gives leaders an opportunity to learn and grow, and therefore also has a developmental focus. It offers a careful selection of theories, tools and techniques to be applied in many contexts and at various stages of a team's development. Team Leadership is one of the most comprehensive books available on the science of team development, offering practical insights into: Developmental Frameworks * Constituent Frameworks * Team Assessment * Team Design * Team Roles * Team Tasks * Teamwork * Conflict Management * Communication * Emergent States * Motivational States * Motivation Theory * Team Leadership * Tasks of Team Leaders * Coaching * Teambuilding * And More
ISBN: 9781869227722
Publication Date: 2018-10-01
Organizational Behaviour by Stephen J. Perkins; Raisa Arvinen-MuondoThere is a large body of shared knowledge between the study of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management but despite the crossover, they are often treated as very distinct disciplines. Written by a team of experts across both fields, Organizational Behaviour bridges the gap between OB and HRM, with an emphasis on inter-cultural and cross-cultural perspectives of organizational development, talent management, and leadership. Through a critical analysis of existing literature and case studies, the contributors cover topics such as corporate governance, ethical business practices, employee morale and motivation, performance management, corporate politics and conflict resolution, workplace diversity, creativity, and change management - all within the framework of current global employment standards and best practices.
ISBN: 9780749463601
Publication Date: 2013-01-29
Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans; Brett C. Luthans; Kyle W. LuthansOur goal with this 13th Edition is to keep this first mainline organizational behavior text up-todate with the latest and relevant theory building, basic and applied research, and the best-practice applications. We give special recognition of this scientific foundation by our subtitle¬--An Evidence-Based Approach. As emphasized in the introductory chapter, the time has come to help narrow the theory/research-effective application/practice gap. This has been the mission from the beginning of this text. As "hard evidence" for this theory/research based text, we can say unequivocally that no other organizational behavior text has close to the number of footnote references. For example, whereas a few texts may have up to 40 or even 50 references for a few chapters, all the chapters of this text average more than twice that amount. This edition continues the tradition by incorporating recent breakthrough research to provide and add to the evidence on the theories and techniques presented throughout. Two distinguishing features that no other organizational behavior textbook can claim are the following: 1) We are committed at this stage of development of the field of OB to a comprehensive theoretical framework to structure our text. Instead of the typical potpourri of chapters and topics, there is now the opportunity to have a sound conceptual framework to present our now credible (evidence-based) body of knowledge. We use the widely recognized, very comprehensive social cognitive theory to structure this text. We present the background and theory building of this framework in the introductory chapter and also provide a specific model (Figure 1.5) that fits in all 14 chapters. Importantly, the logic of this conceptual framework requires two chapters not found in other texts and the rearrangement and combination of several others. For example, in the opening organizational context part there is Chapter 4, "Reward Systems," and in the cognitive processes second part, Chapter 7, "Positive Organizational Behavior and Psychological Capital," that no other text contains. 2) The second unique feature reflects our continuing basic research program over the years. Chapter 7 contains our most recent work on what we have termed "Positive Organizational Behavior" and "Psychological Capital" (or PsyCap). The three of us introduced the term "Psychological Capital" in our joint article in 2004]. To meet the inclusion criteria (positive; theory and research based; valid measurement; open to development; and manage for performance improvement), for the first time the topics of optimism, hope, happiness/subjective well-being, resiliency, emotional intelligence, selfefficacy, and our overall core construct of psychological capital have been given chapter status. Just as real-world management can no longer afford to evolve slowly, neither can the academic side of the field. With the uncertain, very turbulent environment most organizations face today, drastically new ideas, approaches, and techniques are needed both in the practice of management and in the way we study and apply the field of organizational behavior. This text mirrors these needed changes. Social Cognitive Conceptual Framework. The book contains 14 chapters in four major parts. Social cognitive theory explains organizational behavior in terms of both environmental, contextual events and internal cognitive factors, as well as the dynamics and outcomes of the organizational behavior itself. Thus, Part One provides the evidence-based and organizational context for the study and application of organizational behavior.
ISBN: 9781681231198
Publication Date: 2015-10-01
Organizational Behavior 1 by John B. MinerThis comprehensive text provides a detailed review and analysis of the building-block theories in Organizational Behavior. Expanding on his previous work in the field, John Miner has identified the key theories that every student or scholar needs to understand to be considered literate in the discipline. Organizational Behavior: Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership analyzes the work of leading theorists. Each chapter includes the background of the theorist represented, the context in which the theory arose, the initial and subsequent theoretical statements, research on the theory by the theory's author and others (including meta-analysis and reviews), and practical applications. Special features including boxed summaries of each theory at the beginning of each chapter, two introductory chapters on the scientific method and the development of knowledge, and detailed and comprehensive references, help make this text especially useful for graduate courses in Organizational Behavior and Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Organization Development NetworkThe Organization Development Network serves change agents by creating a global community for exchanging best practices, opportunities to interact with thought leaders, and access to leading edge practices, tools, and technologies. As a result, our members create change and sustainable impact in today’s organizations, communities, and beyond.
Business Theory and PracticeThe Journal is designed for publishing articles in the following fields of research:
•business environment;
•economic development and globalization;
•entrepreneurial finance;
•interpretations and consequences of entrepreneurship;
•strategic management;
•organizational behavior;
•theoretical questions and empirical questions of industrial organization;
•case studies.
Expert Journal of Business and ManagementExpert Journal of Business and Management is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes papers across the full spectrum of business
Innovative Journal of Business and ManagementInnovative Journal of Business and Management [IJBM], peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. IJBM encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research
Journal of Behavioral Studies in BusinessThe Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business (JBSB) publishes original, unpublished manuscripts related to behavioral studies in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Manuscripts from a broad range of topics are appropriate for consideration in the JBSB providing the focus of the work is behavioral studies in business
Other Resources
Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowAn eBook collection of 600+ high-quality, constantly updated reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases.
RefWorksThis link opens in a new windowA comprehensive reference management service for preparing bibliographies in APA and other citation styles. Use RefWorks to import and create citations, build lists of references, and integrate citations into your papers using the Write-n-Cite app.
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