Health Information Processes w/Lab - This course introduces health information functions such as content and format of records; retention and storage requirements; indexes and registries; and forms design.
ABI/INFORM GlobalThis link opens in a new windowCovers business conditions, management techniques, business trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and the competitive business landscape worldwide. In depth coverage to over 3,000 publications, including the Wall Street Journal from 1984 to the present. Also includes profiles for 60,000+ companies and their executives. Search results include ebooks from eBrary
Business Source UtlimateThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to hundreds of business-related journals, includes Harvard Business Review case studies.
Consumer Health CompleteThis link opens in a new windowCovers all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to many perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine; also includes relevant drug monographs.
EBSCOhostThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to approximately 30 periodical databases (many of them full text), covering a wide-variety of subject areas. Mobile Access instructions
Health Source: Consumer EditionThis link opens in a new windowOver 75 full-text consumer health magazines on medical science, general health, food science, nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, etc.
The Brave New World of eHR by Hal Gueutal (Editor); Dianna L. Stone (Editor); Eduardo Salas (Foreword by)The Brave New World of eHR is an important resource, filled with the most current information and practical advice on eHR for human resource professionals and industrial and organizational psychologists. Written by an expert group of scholars, practitioners, and subject matter experts, this book offers an overview of the major technological trends in eHR, and shows how to use technology to enhance organizational effectiveness. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes information on a wide variety of topics and Reviews the transformation of human resources from manual processes to sophisticated CRM and ERP systems Examines the effectiveness of online strategies for attracting talent Offers valuable guidelines that can help organizations design, deliver, implement, and sustain e-selection systems Includes a review of the recent research on the effectiveness of distance learning in educational and organizational settings Analyzes the potential advantages and disadvantages of using eHR to manage employee performance Shows how technology supports the administration of compensation systems Outlines recent trends in delivering HR products and services Considers the functional and dysfunctional consequences of using eHR to attract, select, and manage the performance of employees in organizations Presents a fascinating and futuristic look at HR and technology for decades to come
Call Number: eBooks by EBSCOHost
ISBN: 9780787978570
Publication Date: 2005-02-18
Electronic Medical Records by Neil S. Skolnik (Editor)Physician adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) has become a national priority. It is said that EMRs have the potential to greatly improve patient care, to provide the data needed for more effective population management and quality assurance of both an individual practice's patients and well as patients of large health care systems, and the potential to create efficiencies that allow physicians to provide this improved care at a far lower cost than at present. There is currently a strong U.S. government push for physicians to adopt EMR technology, with the Obama administration emphasizing the use of EMRs as an important part of the future of health care and urging widespread adoption of this technology by 2014. This timely book for the primary care community offers a concise and easy to read guide for implementing an EMR system. Organized in six sections, this invaluable title details the general state of the EMR landscape, covering the government's incentive program, promises and pitfalls of EMR technology, issues related to standardization and the range of EMR vendors from which a provider can choose. Importantly, chapter two provides a detailed and highly instructional account of the experiences that a range of primary care providers have had in implementing EMR systems. Chapter three discusses how to effectively choose an EMR system, while chapters four and five cover all of the vital pre-implementation and implementation issues in establishing an EMR system in the primary care environment. Finally, chapter six discusses how to optimize and maintain a new EMR system to achieve the full cost savings desired. Concise, direct, but above all honest in recognizing the challenges in choosing and implementing an electronic health record in primary care, Electronic Medical Records: A Practical Guide for Primary Care has been written with the busy primary care physician in mind.
Call Number: eBooks by EBSCOHost
ISBN: 9781607616061
Publication Date: 2010-10-20
Information Discovery on Electronic Health Records by Vagelis Hristidis (Editor)Exploiting the rich information found in electronic health records (EHRs) can facilitate better medical research and improve the quality of medical practice. Until now, a trivial amount of research has been published on the challenges of leveraging this information. Addressing these challenges, Information Discovery on Electronic Health Records explores the technology to unleash the data stored in EHRs. Assembling a truly interdisciplinary team of experts, the book tackles medical privacy concerns, the lack of standardization for the representation of EHRs, missing or incorrect values, and the availability of multiple rich health ontologies. It looks at how to search the EHR collection given a user query and return relevant fragments from the EHRs. It also explains how to mine the EHR collection to extract interesting patterns, group entities to various classes, or decide whether an EHR satisfies a given property. Most of the book focuses on textual or numeric data of EHRs, where more searching and mining progress has occurred. A chapter on the processing of medical images is also included. Maintaining a uniform style across chapters and minimizing technical jargon, this book presents the various ways to extract useful knowledge from EHRs. It skillfully discusses how EHR data can be effectively searched and mined.
Call Number: eBooks by EBSCOHost
ISBN: 9781420090413
Publication Date: 2010-06-21
Research in Records Management by David Ryan; Elizabeth LomasThis ebook is devoted to research. The contributions cover the spectrum of current research in archives and records management, in terms of the types of research, the range of actors and where it is happening.
Call Number: eBooks by EBSCOHost
ISBN: 9781846637094
Publication Date: 2007-10-12
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Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowAn eBook collection of 600+ high-quality, constantly updated reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases.
RefWorksThis link opens in a new windowA comprehensive reference management service for preparing bibliographies in APA and other citation styles. Use RefWorks to import and create citations, build lists of references, and integrate citations into your papers using the Write-n-Cite app.
HIT Career Resources
Plunkett Research OnlineThis link opens in a new windowIndustry sector analysis and research, industry trends and industry statistics. Great job search and excellent industry videos.
Occupational Outlook HandbookThe Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations—such as carpenters, teachers, and veterinarians. Revised annually, the latest version contains employment projections for the 2020-30 decade.
O Net OnlineO*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!