Welcome to DeVry Creative! This LibGuide has been created for faculty, students, alumni and DeVry Colleagues to share their creative works. Submit the form below along with your work to DeVryCreative@devry.edu.
Carol Dietrich - Professor
Deborah Helman - Professor
Kathrine Henson Mack - Professor
Julie Hagemann - Professor
Michael Dufresne - Professor
A submission from DeVry Student Josene Brockbank.
Save the Sand for My Toes
Save the Sand for my toes
A place where water meets sand, away from my foes
A time for Just Jo, not Jacks or Joes
A quiet place to meet sand with my toes.
Fine or Coarse, I’d take it all
To smell the salt answering ocean’s call
White, yellow, blonde or pink
In any color sand, my toes will sink.
Wet or dry, saving the sand for my toes,
I come to the beach where calm makes me doze
It’s an experience for my body, mind, and toes
My thought and wish for sand, I suppose.
Save the sand for my toes
No one, no internet, no photos to pose
Just me and sand just for my toes
The ocean sounds louder, better than Bose.
This sand I see is what I get
My toes in the sand at sunrise-sunset
In the rain, heat or passing cold front
Wherever I am, my toes, placed in sand, hunt.
Save the sand for my toes is my one true plea
I want to sense the sea from sea to sea
Nobody there, like sitting on the moon…just me
To look at earth, my toes in the sand, true and free.
Hi, my name is Music. Many call me Tune
My origin is of notes, lyrics and dust from the moon.
I come in Genres, produced, pirated and labelled,
I’m at my best live and direct on the turn table.
If you see me with my boots on, I may be a lil country, metallic or soft rock,
A Kangol hat and track suit, I’m looking like 90’s hip hop
In a church, that’s my magic- praise and worship or gospel
Oh. I’m usually lined up on a Apple pc no HP no Dell
I’m found in stores, headphones, watches or cars
Funerals, homes, schools, nightclubs and bars
On the island I may look like Soca, calypso or reggae on
I’m exotic too so Bahamian, Latin, Afro Beats and Reggaeton.
A very important factor is data, Wi-Fi, or MiFi for the LoFi
A radio frequency AM OR FM usually be my alibi
I am music so I can’t forget the instruments that adopt me
It was Jazz, classical and Mozart das who I am from, das where I be
A CD, cassette tape, 8 track or vinyl record,
They are using Blu ray and blue tooth, wireless, Tick Tok and Discord
If I turn up at your party or event
You better believe me, showing up was no surprise I was paid for I was meant.
Prince said purple rain and Micheal said Billy jane
Obama girl said she had a crush on Obama dat song was trendy but lame
Sean Paul said shake dat ting
And Beyonce said on it is where you shouldda put dat ring.
Cancion Bonita is one of my Latin favorites, I don’t speak Spanish I habla Espanol (lol)
Because I am Music, dat name comes from my Soul.
Make every part of me move, from the top of my head to my sole,
I almost passed out the other day when they say Virgin records was sold.
My name is Music. Many call me tunes
If I had a middle or last name, it would be moon. Miss Music Moon.
Nah it would be Miss Music Soprano Bass
It all came into beats with the Metronome to set the rhythmic pace no haste.
I’m noted and defined in a studio with an artist
Or a mic in the hand, on a street, talent show or marching band
I’m everywhere cause I’m really frequency
My name is Music, I’m all over the World from Sea to shining See.
I am Music:
Feel me
Hear Me
Create Me
Play Me
See Me
Touch Me
Compose Me
Lyrically Me
Enjoy Me
Love Me
In your heart and Soul be Me
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