Faculty Publications & Dissertations

College of Business

Congratulations to Dr. Khaled Abdelghany!

Dr. Abdelghany's article was published in the Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Fall 2023, page 12.

Pennsylvania CPA Journal

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Congratulations to Professor Jennifer Harris on having your article published!

Harris, J. D. (2023). Statistical Success: Three-Year Analysis of Student Performance and Student Insights from a First-Year College Statistics Course. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal10(5), 103–121. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.105.14687 


Professor John Kavouras has published a great cookbook!  He is currently working to get it on Amazon, but until then there is more info and it is for sale at: https://twohappycrabs.square.site.  Enjoy! 

Title: Dinner Around the World: Recipes and Memories of One Family’s Pandemic Journey

Authors: Kavouras, John and Kavouras, Kathi

Date of publication: December 2021

ISBN: 9798985243802

College of Health Sciences

Congratulations to Dr. Laura Kathryn Neal!

Dr. Laura Kathryn Neal article was published in The EvoLLLution. 

Here is the link to the article. 


Here is the author profile - https://evolllution.com/author/laura-kathryn-neal/

College of Engineering & Computer Science

Professor Marvin Schneider presented his paper “Identifying Protection Motivation Theory Factors that Influence Smartphone Security Measures” at the IEEE BigData 2021,Workshop on Big Data for CyberSecurity (BigCyber-2021).  This conference was held on December 15-18 2021, Orlando, Florida (Remote via http://bigdataieee.org/BigData2021).