Business Economics- Business Economics provides a basic understanding of managerial economics and the impact of the economic environment on business decision making.

Journals related to ECON course topics

Two Library databases EBSCOhost and ProQuest offer full text access to many publications.  Read through a few to keep current on trends and topics in the news.

On the library website you can search a publication name in the "A to Z List"  on the home page

When you log into ProQuest you can use the "Publications" link to the top of the page.

This list is a sampling of title available in ProQuest:
Advertising Age                           

Business Week
Economic Indicators                    
Wall Street Journal

Recommended Databases



These are a sampling of eBooks available from the library.

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Course Description

Business Economics provides a fundamental understanding of managerial economics and the impact of the economic environment on business decision making. The course develops micro- and macroeconomic topics, with particular emphasis on applying economic principles to business situations.